GUT HEALTH affects your whole day.
It’s not just about the bathroom; it affects your immune system, your energy and even your anxiety levels. Fermented dairy products like yogurt and kefir (look for “live and active cultures” on the label) offer probiotics, friendly bacteria your gut depends on.
Think BONE HEALTH is only for little kids and boomers?
Calcium isn’t just what builds your bones – it’s also an electrolyte. If you don’t eat enough of it, your body starts pulling the calcium from your bones to use it for basic body functions. Dairy is the No. 1 source of calcium in American diets.
ENERGY maintainer and FEEL-BETTER booster.
High protein is gonna help you feel satisfied (and energized) longer. Plus, nutrients like vitamin D and L-theanine (that’s one of the things that restores your dopamine levels) may help boost your mood.
Fuels IMMUNE HEALTH to fight colds, flu and other stuff.
Your immune system is your own personal army of cellular bodyguards. Five of milk’s 13 top nutrients help support the immune system: vitamin A, vitamin D, selenium, zinc and protein.

Amazing workout RECOVERY.
This might be the coolest one. Chocolate milk is gaining more and more attention as an all-in-one natural source of protein, electrolytes and hydration. And see why adding chocolate actually makes it even more powerful.
Packed with key HEART HEALTH nutrients.
There are three particular nutrients docs recommend for healthy blood pressure, and dairy’s an excellent source of all three: calcium, potassium and magnesium. Those plus protein make dairy a key part of the DASH Eating Plan – Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension – the top-recommended diet for heart health.

Helps with DIABETES prevention and management.
Several recent studies indicate that eating and drinking more dairy may lower your risk of type 2 diabetes.
Good fuel for ANY BODY SIZE.
Healthy looks a little different on every body type, so talk to your doctor about what your goals should be. Whether you’re looking to lose, gain or maintain, dairy is packed with satisfying flavor AND nutrients – and many dairy products offer a relatively small calorie count.
FIGHTING HUNGER into the future.
Dairy is a game-changer for hungry people in the U.S. and across the world. Lots of nutrients for a low cost (and only 2% of the U.S. carbon footprint) means dairy is a sustainable way to feed generations to come.
*According to the United States Department of Agriculture’s MyPlate, Dietary Guidelines for Americans, National Medical Association, Surgeon General and American Academy of Pediatrics.