Here’s the thing. Our dairy farms are family-owned. Not like a global conglomerate fought over by a bunch of trust fund siblings kind of family-owned. But an “it’s 2 a.m. and the sprinklers are down, honey” kind of family-owned. So we’ve gotta take really good care of everything we have AND be as efficient as possible.

Does efficiency mean cutting corners with the cows? Nope – we need them to be healthy. Cows are our No. 1 resource. We protect them like movie stars protect their own faces. (Except without the lip fillers.)

We can’t afford to waste anything (not even the cows’ waste). We recycle manure, water and even old tires. Twenty percent of the protein in American diets for 2% of the carbon footprint sounds like a good deal to us.

How It's Made
You’ve got questions. Tour a few of our real dairy farms in 360 to see milk’s journey from farm to table.

Meet the Farmers
We could have chosen different jobs, without manure, where we got to take nights and weekends off. But we like the cows, we like getting to work with our families and we know the food we make is actually good for the world.